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Miami, Florida, United States
Every time I eat whole fish I fear for days that I have swallowed a bone. Perhaps my abdomen is absolutely lousy with them, I would have no idea. Thanks for coming and remember to take off your shoes before coming into the living room, I'm quite fond of the carpet.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Part Deux of Dos

For his troubles, he gained honorary membership to the National Sex Offender Registry.
I don't know what's scarier: this costume or the fact that there's a 24 pinball machine. Either way, I'm turning tail if I see either.
Either this guy is planning on stuffing his baby with candy or he himself is taking a child along so he can trick or treat. Regardless, way to go, man.
Spoooooky fact # 1: Being buff is not a costume.
Wow, Natalie Portman's costume looks REALLY good this year.
I'm sure all three of your friends will get the Firefly reference. And wonder how the hell Jayne knows about Fallout.
"Yes, I love awful pickup lines. Why do you ask?"
If my mind were a whiteboard, I'd wipe it clean right now. Since it's not, I can do nothing but tremble.
"Of course I plan on keeping the haircut. Yeah, I'm employed full-time. As a gargoyle."
The girl in the back decided to be awesome for Halloween.
Of all the kitten costumes I had to dredge through, this is the only one that made an attempt at paws. This poor young woman has obviously never looked at a cat's paws, but it's nice that she made the effort. 
This Halloween, I've decided to be cold.
This isn't a seasonal tattoo. That's actually his ex-girlfriend's name. He hates the holiday almost as much as he hates himself. 
Oh, it's Lucille Ball! You can tell from the red hair and the...cell phone?
It's Pat!
They don't even celebrate Halloween in Japan. This picture was taken in July.
Spoooooky tip # 2: A cheap camera effect is not a costume.
I'm no scientist, but that does NOT look very efficient. Open wide!
Spooooky tip # 3: Latisse and a "Wha Happen?" expression do not a costume make.
So there you have it. Halloween. I leave you with perhaps my favorite American folk tune. Enjoy.

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