About Me

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Miami, Florida, United States
Every time I eat whole fish I fear for days that I have swallowed a bone. Perhaps my abdomen is absolutely lousy with them, I would have no idea. Thanks for coming and remember to take off your shoes before coming into the living room, I'm quite fond of the carpet.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Hey internet! Guess what? I'm an asshole!

And now, a target that's LONG overdue if you ask me. I target the most destructive force humanity has ever constructed. Hey #love, SUCK IT!

Maybe that's good advice for the wealthy, disembodied hand but damn, I got a job, dude.

Like incapacitating delirium.
Given those options, yes, I suppose that sounds the least painful.
Somebody has a poor understanding of anatomy.
Once we lop off that watermelon you have for a head.
Your choice of font lets me know exactly how crazy you are, and I am frightened.
"So, if you guys were wondering why I became such a selfish prick, now you know."
I just really like this one.
The ocean, where a baby dolphin choked on the rubber and died, asshole.
"Because I suck at this whole "drawing" thing."
"K, but can we at least sit down or something? This is killing my feet."
"I'll just leave you with that crippling burden instead." Also, if Pooh doesn't cut down on his sugar intake, he'll be lucky to make it to 30.
"Also, where I got these fucking balloons."
"I also forget that it's customary to begin writing on the top left of the page."
Maybe they're right. Maybe kids are growing up too fast these days.
Nice job making it look like you wrote that with the quill pen. Would've fooled me if the actual pen was out of the damn shot.
I will never say that word again. Take that maldita95.
"Alright buddy, let's see your hands."
I somehow feel even the most die-hard Hello Kitty fan would find this over the top. It also looks like it reproduces via budding, if somebody finds this thing, please burn it, before it's too late.
I'm trying to decide if this is more creative than it is meaningful, or vice-versa.
Alright, I'm through. Join me next time, when I'll make fun of things I like for a change.

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